
What is Iso Propyl Acetate?

Iso propyl acetate is an organic compound with a molecular formula of C5H10O2.  It is commonly used as a solvent for cellulose, plastics, oils and fats.  This product is a clear, colourless liquid that has a fruity ester odour.  This product is highly flammable with a flash point of 2° C and a flammability rating of 3.   It is highly miscible with all common organic solvents (alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters) but has only slight miscibility in water.

Iso Propyl Acetate

How is it produced?

The most common method for chemically manufacturing iso propyl acetate is via the esterification of isopropanol and acetic acid which are heated in the presence of a strong acid.

How is it stored and distributed?

A chemical stockist would have a bulk petrochemical storage facility to regulate this product.  Storage is normally in a cool, dry and well ventilated facility away from oxidising agents.  Iso propyl acetate should be kept out of direct sunlight, heat and open flames.  Solvents such as iso propyl acetate should be stored in drummed containers such as isotanks made of stainless steel, aluminium or carbon steel.

A bulk solvent exporter would normally distribute this solvent in bulk vessels or tank trucks.  For transportation purposes, iso propyl acetate is classed as a flammable liquid with a fire hazard rating of 2.  A full bulk chemical distributor would export the solvent throughout regions such as the UK, Europe, Africa and America.  This product is a packing group 2.

What is Iso Propyl Acetate used for?

The major use of this product is in printing inks (especially gravure machines) because it is fast evaporating which ensures that the ink dries quickly.  This ink can be used for printing magazines, catalogues, labels and wallpaper.  The other common use of iso propyl acetate is a solvent in the production of cellulose, plastics, oils and fats.  It is also used in the fragrance, cosmetic and personal care industry as a solvent.  An alternative use is as a surfactant in cleaning fluids, coatings for cars and nail care.  The main user end markets are the printing, coatings, cleaning and cosmetic industries.